
‘I Was Checking The Function Of My Retracted Manhood’ – Says Man Who Allegedly Defiled Toddler In Ibadan

‘I Was Checking The Function Of My Retracted Manhood’ – Says Man Who Allegedly Defiled Toddler In Ibadan
  • PublishedApril 2, 2024

A 22-year-old resident of Popo Yemoja, Ibadan, Oyo State, Farouk (surname withheld), who was arrested for alleged sexual molestation of a three-year-old (name withheld) has confessed to carrying out the act.

The incident happened last Thursday.

The suspect said he was trying to check his retracted manhood which he had not been able to use as a man since.

Farouk was arrested by the Amotekun Corps after they got information about his act from local security men in the area where they all live.

A source said the toddler was beside her sleeping grandmother on a mat on a veranda when the suspect came to pick her up.

He reportedly took her to a room in which he used to sleep with his neighbour, sat her on his private part and started thrusting in the way he could until he ejaculated, despite the girl’s feeble resistance and cries.

The girl later went to sleep with her mother but her father who came to wake them up saw her body smeared with some sticky liquid while carrying his youngest daughter to take her inside their apartment to sleep.

Speaking on why he carried out the act, the suspect told Tribune, “I live with my parents but I used to sleep in the rooms of some men living in the compound. It is true that I slept with the three-year-old girl.”

“I don’t even understand myself. My manhood has not been functioning since about 10 years ago. I don’t have a girlfriend because of my condition.

“The girl was crying and I left her. It is true that I ejaculated and poured it on her. I slept in the room of one of the men before we were arrested at dawn on Friday. The girl pointed at me when asked to identify the person who touched her among the six of us arrested.”

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