
SPONSORED: Eni & Olufemi Ltd Trains Staff, Restates Commitment In Quality Food Production

SPONSORED: Eni & Olufemi Ltd Trains Staff, Restates Commitment In Quality Food Production
  • PublishedMay 31, 2024

Eni & Olufemi LTD Osogbo, a prominent player in the industry, has embarked on a comprehensive training and stringent quality control initiative, In a steadfast pursuit of uncompromising quality and safety in their flouring food products.

Recognizing the critical role played by well-trained personnel in upholding product integrity, the company has recently dispatched key members from their quality control and production departments for specialized training. Hosted by Pochat Training in Chesterfield, United Kingdom, these staff members are undergoing the QA Level 2 Award in Food Safety for Manufacturing program.

This initiative underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to remaining at the forefront of industry best practices and skillsets required to uphold the highest standards of safety and quality in their flouring food products.

Miss Rachael Omolara Eniolapo, the CEO and Managing Director of Eni & Olufemi LTD, emphasized, “We firmly believe that the food we consume profoundly impacts our overall health, both physically and mentally. Thus, ensuring the safety and quality of the food people consume is paramount.”

Integral to their production process are several meticulously followed steps aimed at ensuring the excellence of their flouring food products:

Ingredient Specifications, Eni & Olufemi sources farm-based ingredients, rigorously selecting seeds and stems essential to the quality of their final products. Through stringent discourse, the organization ensures that only specified ingredients meet stringent safety and quality criteria.

Product Formulation/Recipe: Consistency is paramount in Eni & Olufemi’s products, Through documented standardized formulations, styles, and fermentation periods, they ensure that each recipe is meticulously executed, guaranteeing the desired quality and safety standards.

Product Standards, Adhering strictly to identified and approved product standards, both physically, chemically, and microbiologically, is non-negotiable. Every aspect of the production process undergoes meticulous scrutiny to ensure compliance with these stringent standards.

Packaging and Labeling, The final touch in ensuring product safety and quality lies in meticulous packaging and labeling. Each item is carefully labeled and packaged to ensure optimal transportation, storage, and safety, maintaining direct contact with a film jar, bottle, carton, or box.

Moreover, Eni & Olufemi LTD has implemented a robust quality management system, encompassing stringent document control, regulatory audits, and operation in government-approved environments. The establishment and maintenance of policies and procedures further reinforce their unwavering commitment to excellence in flouring food production.

Miss Rachael Omolara Eniolapo succinctly articulates, “At Eni & Olufemi, our dedication to quality and safety is not just a commitment—it’s our promise to our consumers.”

With proactive measures firmly in place, Eni & Olufemi LTD emerges as a beacon of excellence in the flouring food industry, setting new benchmarks for safety, quality, and consumer satisfaction.

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