
Brain Drain: Emulate Chinese To Curb Japa Syndrome, American-Based Group Urges FG

Brain Drain: Emulate Chinese To Curb Japa Syndrome, American-Based Group Urges FG
  • PublishedDecember 21, 2023

An American-based social welfare organisation, Diaspora Solution Group has urged the Federal Government to emulate countries like China in addressing the influx of migration of Nigeria’s professionals to foreign nations.

The group said the Chinese model of sending its youth abroad for education, bringing them back after some years and establishing industries for them to work was now yielding positive results.

Speaking in Osogbo during a free medical outreach, the President of the group, Gideon Oyeleke, noted that the federal government needs to find a way of creating a conducive environment for citizens to thrive.

He said the medical outreach was a way of giving back to society, adding that the beneficiaries have been educated on health-related issues.

He said, “Well, Education is one of the modern things. Instead of them running away, we need to keep them here.

“About 40 years ago, the Chinese people don’t like the Chinese products. What they did is they send all their youth abroad to be educated, bring them back home, establish a technical school, and they bring all these industries in.

“All over America today, 40 years ago, we didn’t buy anything from China but today every company is in China. So that’s the same thing that Nigeria need to do, we need to educate, we need to love each other.

“The medical outreach was for the benefit of our people and a way of giving back to society.

“We have educated our people on some medical needs and done free tests for them. We le educate them on stroke and brain diseases.”

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