
JUMAT SERMON: An Issue That Calls For Concern

JUMAT SERMON: An Issue That Calls For Concern
  • PublishedOctober 13, 2023

By Alhaji Salaudeen Abdulhameed

I seek refuge in Allah from the devil the accursed and I start in the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. He whom Allah guides, he is the rightly guided; but He whom He sends astray, for him you will find no Waliy (guiding friend) to lead him (to the right path). I also testify that Prophet Muhammad is His messenger. May His benediction be upon His (Muhammad) soul, members of His household, His companions and all those who follow His way till the day of Judgment.

The recent happenings among the Ummah propels me to write this piece, where Muslim philanthropic and some public spiritual individuals doled out sumptuous gifts and huge amount of money to those who reverted to Islam calls for a serious concern and rethink. Though the act could be linked to the injunctions of Allah where He listed those who are to benefit from the Alms and listed those whose hearts have been recently reconciled To Truth as number four of the eight beneficiaries. He says: “Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds) for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled to Truth; for those in bondage and in debt; and for the wayfarer (Thus is it) ordained by Allah. And Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom”. Quran 9:60

“….for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (To Truth)” The commentator further explained on the verse thus; those whose hearts have been weaned from hostility to Truth who would probably be persecuted by their associates until they establish new connection in their new environment”. Yusuf Ali. On this singular beneficiary, scholars hold contrary views. Some say, that was then (during the lifetime time of the Prophet) while some say it is still applicable till date.

The above assertion notwithstanding, the act still calls for a serious scrutiny. In most cases, these donours donate their money without any recourse to what happens thereafter. What happens, either to the faith they want to protect/promote or the money they donate. Is it being used in halal venture or not? After all, these people (the beneficiaries) were working before they eventually fond new faith. What type of work were they doing before? What type of program do we have for them that would enable them acquire rudiment knowledge of Islam? What kind of orientation do we give them to be fully integrated into the fold of Islam?

What type of template do we design to monitor their practice of Islam that would make them remain steadfast? All these questions and others are beginning for answers. The most irritating part of it is about those who gave hajj scholarship to the new reverts as soon as they pronounce Kalimatu Shahadah, there by skipping three pillars in between the five pillars of Islam. And the teachings and legislations in Islam are gradual. It is expected of a new revert to learn about the religion sequentially. To buttress this assertion, this tradition of the Prophet is so relevant. It reads thus; Hazradh Mu’adh (RAA) relates that the Holy Prophet (SAW) nominated me as Governor of Yemen and said: “Bear in mind! a group of the people of the Book (followers of the revealed religion will come to you therefore ask them to bear witness that there is no God except Allah, and that I am His messenger, when they have accepted this, inform them that Allah has prescribed for them five prayers (Salah) in a day and night. When they accept this, then tell them that Allah has made it compulsory for them Zakaat (poor due) which will be realised from those who are wealthy among them and will be distributed to poor persons among you. When they agree to this, do not take their best articles as Zakat. Fear the call of an oppressed person, because there is no barrier between the complaint of an oppressed person and Allah! (Bukhari and Muslim).

It is a known fact that there are many pious, practicing and religious individual out there that are more qualified for hajj than those people whose faith is still in doubt. There are many brilliant but indigent Muslim children in our various tertiary institutions crying for financial assistance.

Some of our people are suffering from dreadful diseases and lying critically distressed in our various hospitals and they cannot afford exorbitant medical bills. There are many Islamic organizations with laudable ideas and programs but lack the wherewithal. By now, many of our Arabic institutions ought to have gone vocational in areas such as; Agriculture, ICT, Skill acquisition Center etc. There are many small scale traders who just need a little amount of money to augment their capital. Also, there are widows, single mothers and estrange wives who are battling with the responsibilities of children out there that are in dire need of financial assistance. There are many Qur’anic memorisation centers (Halaqaat) whose sole aim is to promote reading of the Qur’an scientifically but can’t pay their trainers handsomely. There are orphanage homes that are in dire need of support morally and financially. Many Mosques (Masaajid) in villages and towns are in deplorable condition, while works are ongoing in some since time immemorial. The list on where those people should spend their money is endless.

In my opinion, why don’t these donours look at any of the above listed areas and expend their Gods given wealth instead of raining millions of naira on these converts. Let them assist and develop the Muslims whose faiths are not in doubt. I foresee a situation where the hypocrites will take advantage of gullibility of a few of us and the benevolence of many donors to defraud the generality of the Ummah. If care is not taken, Islam will soon witness mass declaration for Islam by fickle minded people because of materials gains.

How many times have we heard from the people of other faith celebrating our sons and daughters who troop into their places of worship on a daily basis looking for miracles and salvations? I am not saying the newcomers should not be warmly received or honoured but the way it is now, it is being overdone. Let those people look at other areas as enumerated above in order for equation to balance.

It is equally important to remind these people to pay Zakat annually to the appropriate foundations that have taken up the management of such for Islam and Muslims to strife as expected.

Wa akhiru daawana anil hamdu lillahi Rabbii aalamiin.

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author. They do not represent the opinions or views of OSUN DEFENDER.

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