
Need To Be Cautious In Taking Drugs

Need To Be Cautious In Taking Drugs
  • PublishedNovember 10, 2017

Drug abuse has become rampant in our society nowadays whereby many use drugs without specific prescription from medical practitioner. Drug abuse can as well be a kind of misuse of drugs or misinterpretation of the directive given by the physician, as some decide to use their own discretion instead of following the given instruction.


Many even walk into a chemist of their choices and get whatever drugs they want without prescription. Findings have also revealed that some people do inject themselves with stimulants for different reasons which eventually cause a lot of damages on their body unknowingly.


Many takes drug to energize themselves to work effectively especially those who get themselves injected with various stimulants. Drug in real sense causes a lot of damages on humans body when use inappropriately, therefore it is necessary for people to seek medical advice and stop taking drugs without prescription.


Moreover, the government should take proper action on this matter so as to stop the misuse of drugs in our society either by closing down some unauthorized pharmacies and bring an end to importation of drugs that are not good for our health into this country.


Moreso, pharmacies and chemist owners needs to stop selling un-prescribed drugs to the people and also seek to know the status of their ailment before prescribing drugs to them.


Notwithstanding, individual should as well see it as a responsibility or necessity to seek a medical advice before asking for any drugs.

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