
Osun APC’s Report of Thousand Laughs, By Nurein Adebisi

Osun APC’s Report of Thousand Laughs, By Nurein Adebisi
  • PublishedOctober 6, 2023

Reflections with Nurein AdebisiThe origin of conflicts and disputes is as old as humanity itself. If historical events and incidents revealed in divine books can serve as references, then we recognize that conflicts have been a part of our human experience. Some conflicts were intra-family affairs, while others involved inter-ethnic groups, communities, or even nations. This implies that crises and conflicts are intrinsic to human affairs and must be managed as the situation demands.

Before our adoption of a “foreign method” for conflict resolution and justice administration, our society had its own effective conflict resolution and crisis management mechanisms. These mechanisms were traditionally applied during crises in a way that ensured no party felt cheated or favored. The custodians of this sacred duty executed their responsibilities with a deep sense of responsibility and consideration for the well-being of society. Their sincerity of purpose greatly influenced the establishment and promotion of our core Omoluabi values.

However, the decision to prioritize the “foreign” method over our local approach in solving domestic problems, without due consideration for the wisdom and native understanding of those involved, has not only been counterproductive but has also caused tragic consequences. Ignoring the views, opinions, and wisdom of the elderly when solving communal problems cannot yield the expected positive results because wisdom can only be acquired through valuable experience.

Recently, a notable event in the Osun APC was the submission of a report by the former Governor Oyetola’s party repositioning committee. The committee constituted and inaugurated by the former Governor on May 1st of this year, was chaired by the former Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole. The committee was tasked with various objectives, including the repositioning of the party in preparation for future elections in the state.

As a Yoruba philosophical expression goes, “Ti omode ba subu, a wo iwaju, ti agba ba subu a wo eyin wo” (When a child falls, they look forward, but when an elderly person falls, they look back and check the cause of the fall). This simple expression should reasonably guide every situation reappraisal exercise to avoid falling victim to self-induced failures of the past and to guard against future recurrences. Another piece of wisdom from our elders says, “Ina eesi kii jo ologbon leemeji, ti omugo nii ju egbaagbeje lo” (Accidental fire-burn doesn’t happen twice to a wise person, but a fool suffers it many times). Its recurrence can only be attributed to ignorance laced with arrogance.

Realistically, Professor Isaac Adewole is a newcomer to the Osun progressive family. He became part of the party through the benevolence of former President Muhammadu Buhari, who appointed him as Health Minister in 2015. Before his appointment, he had no physical or biological connection to the Osun APC. Consequently, he faces a significant challenge in executing the task assigned to him by the former governor. Some have opined that his appointment for this task underscores Oyetola’s insensitivity to the party’s realities.

What made Professor Adewole’s assignment comical from the start was his adoption of a foreign (if not alien) approach to solving a local political problem by calling for written memoranda from party members. It was reported that a few elite party members submitted memoranda, but no single memorandum came from any grassroots party stalwart or interest group. Furthermore, the chairman relocated the entire operation to the boardroom and turned it into an academic exercise, confirming the notion that Osun APC was still far from attaining a permanent solution to the crisis.

While presenting his committee report, Professor Adewole mentioned, “The Committee invited memoranda from members of the party and stakeholders and embarked upon oral interviews and visitations to elicit additional relevant information.” This statement indicates that Professor Isaac Adewole was not operating in a familiar territory, as party management goes beyond mere academic exercises. The big question arises: What was the position of the state executive committee of the party in this matter?

In addition to the committee’s procedural errors, other critical issues should not escape the attention of those genuinely concerned about Osun APC’s affairs. It is necessary to inquire into the capacity in which Oyetola acted since he was no longer the sitting governor of the party and could no longer be regarded as the party’s leader in the state when he constituted the committee. Did he consult with party leaders? Who gave him the go-ahead? Furthermore, an explanation is needed as to why a committee tasked with such a significant party assignment was not inaugurated in the party office, conducted its work, and submitted its report to the party office instead of Oyetola’s private campaign office. This entire procedure, if nothing else, has subjected the party to serious ridicule and demonstrated a lack of respect for party supremacy and discipline.

Another issue that requires clarification is why the committee’s recommendations were implemented before the report was submitted to Oyetola. Was the report leaked, or did the party act without proper foundation? It should be noted that some party stalwarts were suspended a few days before the report was submitted to the former governor.

Although suspicions arose that the entire exercise aimed to repackage Oyetola as a sellable product for the 2026 gubernatorial election, given that the repositioning exercise largely revolved around him rather than the party, it remains unclear. The committee’s recommendation declaring him the leader of the party in Osun added fuel to this speculation. However, regardless of the motives, it appears that the affliction that plagued the party, causing it to lose all elections in one fell swoop, continues, and the party may not be ready for deliverance anytime soon.

In the words of Bob Marley, “Time will tell.”



The Omoluabi Progressives, committed to the core values and ideals of progressive politics in Osun, have begun meetings across local governments. Let us continue to fly the flag in the spirit of true and sincere progressivism. Forward together.

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not represent the opinions or views of Osun Defender




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