
Osun Defender History Corner: November 4th In Focus

Osun Defender History Corner: November 4th In Focus
  • PublishedNovember 4, 2023

Today on the history corner, we take a trip down, in the realm of flashback and were able to recall some events that marked this day.

November 4th, 1921

The Sturmabteilung (SA), a paramilitary organization associated with the Nazi Party, was officially founded in Germany.

November 4th, 1922

King Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered in Egypt by British archaeologist Howard Carter.

November 4th, 1924

Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming was elected as the first female governor in the United States.

November 4th, 1952

The United States conducted its first successful hydrogen bomb test at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.

November 4th, 1956

The Soviet Union suppressed the Hungarian Revolution, resulting in a military crackdown.

November 4th, 1960

The iconic movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” starring Audrey Hepburn, premiered in New York City.

November 4th, 1970

Salvador Allende was elected as the President of Chile, becoming the first socialist to be elected as a head of state in Latin America.

November 4th, 1979

The U.S. Embassy in Tehran was seized by Iranian militants, leading to the Iran hostage crisis.

November 4th, 1979

The Iranian hostage crisis began as 52 American diplomats and citizens were taken hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

November 4th, 1980

Ronald Reagan was elected as the 40th President of the United States.

November 4th, 1980

The NASA space probe Voyager 1 made its closest approach to Saturn.

November 4th, 1986

The Iran-Contra Affair was exposed when it was revealed that the Reagan administration had secretly sold weapons to Iran.

November 4th, 1995

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli extremist.

November 4th, 2001

The United States and the United Kingdom began airstrikes in Afghanistan, marking the start of the War on Terror.

November 4th, 2002

The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 1441, calling on Iraq to disarm or face “serious consequences.”

November 4th, 2008

Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States, becoming the first African-American to hold the office.

November 4th, 2016

The Paris Agreement on climate change officially came into force, with 97 countries ratifying the agreement.

Please note that these are just a few historical events that happened on November 4th. History is full of numerous other significant events on this day, ranging from politics and warfare to cultural and scientific milestones.

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