
Over 300 Osun Muslims Rally Support For Palestine

Over 300 Osun Muslims Rally Support For Palestine
  • PublishedSeptember 16, 2024


The ancient city of Ile Ife was agog on Sunday as over a three hundred Muslims in Osun State rallied support for Palestine.

The Muslims under the umbrella of Muslim Awareness International (MAI), Ile-Ife branch, staged the peaceful rally to demand justice and call for the liberation of Palestinians.

The event, which started at Afeworo Park and proceeded to the Sabo area, drew an estimated crowd of around 300 participants.

The rally, which commenced at 6:10 pm and ended by 6:50 pm, was organized to raise awareness about the ongoing war in Palestine and the plight of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation.

Participants carried banners and placards demanding justice and freedom for Palestinians while chanting slogans that echoed the need for international attention and intervention.

In his address at the rally, AbdulMuiz Awolumate, the Chairman of MAI Ile-Ife, spoke passionately about the reasons behind the call for the freedom of Palestinians.

He condemned the continuous killing of innocent civilians, including children, doctors, and elderly women, by Israeli forces.

Awolumate described the ongoing situation as a genocide and emphasized that both Muslims and Christians in Palestine have been victims of the violence.

He said, “We are here today to stand with our Palestinian brothers and sisters who have been subjected to unimaginable suffering and injustice. The world cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the atrocities being committed against innocent people in Palestine. This is not just a Muslim cause; it is a call for humanity to rise against oppression.”

READ: UN General Assembly Backs Palestine’s Bid For Membership

Earlier in the event, Dr. Mohammed Basher Nasir, the Executive Director of Optimal Management Consultancy, Qatar, delivered a lecture titled “Palestine: A Cry For Freedom, A Call For Justice.”

Dr. Nasir highlighted the historical context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and emphasized the urgent need for a peaceful resolution that guarantees the rights and dignity of Palestinians.

He further urged the international community to take a stronger stance against the injustices perpetrated in the region.

The rally ended peacefully, with participants expressing their hope for a future where Palestinians would live in freedom, dignity, and peace.

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