
STRIKER: The Hard Way, The Only Way

STRIKER: The Hard Way, The Only Way
  • PublishedSeptember 13, 2024

Above is the title of a 1989 action movie by Italian Director, Michele Tarantini that brilliantly demonstrates that in certain extreme survival circumstances, there is no other choice than to “take the bull by the horn” as they say. A closer look at the “hard way” though always reveals that it is merely the “smart” way, and the deployment of “common sense” to accomplish a seemingly impossible task.

Another movie, the 1997 American survival thriller “The Edge,”, written by David Mamet and Directed by Lee Tamahori, starring Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin, strongly supports same – in the supposition that “only the smartest shall survive.” There are exceptions to every rule but rules are rules, which is why it is worth giving readers and citizens yet again what we said on this page just before the last general elections, now that the fingers of the majority are between their clenched teeth, when their hands are not piled over their heads.

If you remove “The People” from Abraham Lincoln’s popular definition of Democracy, what you then get is “Government of ……., by …… and for ……” and everyone is free to fill in the gap with anything but “the people.” Through experience, nothing as good can fill that gap except “the people.” Even with Democracy redefined as “majority rule” we will be back to square one. Government of the majority, by the majority and for the majority is simply government of the people. In Nigeria, today, “the people” seems to have been replaced in the definition of democracy by something else and your guess is as good as mine, just as “progressives” seems to have acquired new sinister meanings when used to qualify a political party.

If you conduct an opinion poll among majority of Nigerians today about their estimation of their government, nothing nice will be heard from them. Indeed, the state (armed forces, police, judiciary and correction system) that protects the government will feedback the same uncomplimentary report. They have no separate market, fuel stations and banks to go, for instance. Excusing the unaccountable and brutal military governments, how come that since our growing up years, it is the same gloomy dividends that is the lot of the majority from almost all the democratic governments that are supposedly put in place by “the people?” What do the majority now have to do to change the misfortune and secure their rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” that is the primary reason why governments are instituted among men?

READ: [STRIKER] Rebranding: A Serious Business

The very first step for them to take is the one that the majority really are unwilling to take – the difficult but simple task of seeking knowledge. Knowledge that is deep and objective will reveal to them why their realities are the way they are today; what and who are truly responsible for their trials and tribulations; and what are the best ways to go about their redemption legitimately and democratically. The second and final thing is to rise up to the challenge of a change of attitude among majority of citizens that will prime them for the actions needed, then go about it bravely, with all sense of patriotism and readiness for personal sacrifices. Until done, things can only remain the same at best, and get worse inevitably.

Without deep, factual knowledge, all their separate and collective actions can only be fuelled by ignorance, sentiments, fear, hatred, anger, selfishness and bigotry, as it is these days. Even the most audacious actions will only produce self-ruinous results that stupidly complicate their sorrow and sufferings. They must obtain knowledge of how oppressed, exploited and traumatised people free themselves throughout history. Those who seek shall definitely find. The knowledge is available easily to those who seek it.

To begin with, we were under colonial bondage just 70 years ago! How did we become an independent country and how did we start out in managing ourselves? What went wrong and how did we get here? Apart from personal experience of our own, many countries have fallen on evil days quite worse than our country and have managed to get out of their horrible mess into the light of freedom and prosperity. How did they manage it; are there similar things with us in their experience that can come handy?

Knowledge first, then following up with imperative action and sacrifices, are the sure road to liberating and redemptive goals. Nelson Mandela said it all: “No easy road to freedom.” The sooner begun with the single step, the sooner arrival at the Promised Land.

The opinions expressed in this publication are solely those of the author. It does not represent the editorial position or opinion of OSUN DEFENDER.

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