
[The Discourse] Mallam Abdulkadir Balarabe Musa: Tribute To An Unforgettable Leader And Revolutionary Icon

[The Discourse] Mallam Abdulkadir Balarabe Musa: Tribute To An Unforgettable Leader And Revolutionary Icon
  • PublishedNovember 17, 2023
  • By Rauf Aregbesola

I thank you all most sincerely for being here to honour and celebrate the memory of Alhaji Balarabe Musa, the unforgettable icon of Progressivism and unmatched passion for the emancipation of the poor and the downtrodden in our land who passed on three years ago. 

We must start this tribute by thanking those who believe in promoting the memory of the impactful life of a foremost leftist and progressive leader in Nigeria. The family members, his friends, associates and the cadres of the movement that are still burning with the desire to see a nation that works for its people, all deserve our warm salute. I commend all those who make today’s event a reality. As we say now, FORWARD EVER, TILL VICTORY ALWAYS.

ABM was a leader of the truly leftist political party, The People Redemption Party (PRP), an organisation genuinely committed to the emancipation of the downtrodden in their formations as workers, farmers, women, youth and the unemployed. Since he commenced the journey on this endeavour, he never for once looked back till he took his last breath, irrespective of the formidable challenges, obstacles and persecutions he suffered on his path.

Our paths crossed 43 years ago here in Kaduna. I was a youth corps member in Kaduna under the instruction the SPWFY under the leadership of Comrade Ola Oni, and teamed up with the PRP in Kaduna. The right wing National Party of Nigeria (NPN), frightened by the trailblazing liberating policies, programmes and projects of ABM and his party, was determined to truncate those activities. No efforts were spared by the anti-development, anti-people and anti-progress NPN to exterminate the vista of change. Though we mobilised the people to resist these moves, but the forces of reaction were too strong, desperate, vicious and brutal and could not be stopped. The right wing people appeared to have had their way then, but we have the last laugh because a people united can never be defeated. A manifestation of our victory is this gathering. VINCEREMOS!!!

ABM remains a leader in the Pantheon of the Patriots, Progressives, Nationalists and Leaders in Nigeria. He remains a formidable influence on the current and coming generation of the people that will ultimately reset our country on the path of true development and progress, to the benefit of majority of the people.

Throughout the life of ABM, he was a loud voice of caution, vision and clarity on the challenges of the nation and condemnation of the reactionary ruling elite who ride roughshod on the rights of the majority. Most of the social, political and economic challenges being confronted by the nation and our people were thoroughly analysed and scientifically predicted by ABM and other patriots in the leftist movement decades before their occurrence, which the ruling power and the elite disregarded, to the utmost chagrin and misfortune of the nation.

In conclusion Mallam AbdulKadir Balarabe Musa paid his dues and his name is etched in the sands of time as a timeless teacher and leader of Patriots, Progressives and the Nationalists who are passionately committed to the emancipation of the down trodden masses of our people.

There are some individuals who made waves and loomed large over us for a short time in this nation. But all their works and memory, as we always see, follow them to their graves. However, that we are gathered here today to celebrate ABM is a testimony and a reminder to all of the immortality of his ideas, works and the great life of service to humanity and God that he lived.

Yes, it is very gloomy now. But we are very confident that with proper mobilization, organisation and works of all of us, our VICTORY is certain.


Being A Speech By Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola At The Third Memorial Anniversary Of Mallam Balarabe Musa, Held In Kaduna On Saturday November 11, 2023

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